
How To Pin From Facebook To Pinterest

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how to pin to pinterest from facebook 2 Are you wondering how to pin from your facebook page to Pinterest and ensure it contains the link back to your business page?

Do you see images on facebook that you would like to share with your pinterest followers or save to an inspiration board?

I would always recommend that businesses pin from their website primarily as it is usually your website that will convert visitors into customers.

However, if  you don't have a website or have an image on your facebook page that you would like to share with your pinterest followers – here are two ways to do it in our latest Pinterest tutorial.

Method 1

1. There used to be a pinbookapp for this but it isn't working any more. If you are using Chrome, you should find that all of the images on facebook (on your page and in your timeline) will now have a 'pin it' button.

How to pin to Pinterest from Facebook

2. If a 'pin it' button doesn't show when you hover over it, click the image to enlarge it, right click and you'll see a 'pin it' option.

3. Pin the image to your desired board on Pinterest.

4. You then need to add the correct link to the pin. It won't necessarily link to the correct facebook page which is the problem. Go to your latest pins in Pinterest (click on your name in the top right and click on 'pins'  to find your latest pins.

5. When you click on the pin, it should say 'visit site' at the top and it should link to your Facebook business page but it won't link to the specific update. However, if it says 'image' at the top, the link is blank – and if clicked on again, will just bring you to a blank page with the photograph. There is no link so it is not doing your business any service at all.

6. Go back to your 'pins' page, when you hover over the pin you will see a pencil icon on the top right. Click on it and you will see where the correct link needs to go (the source box)

how to pin to pinterest from facebook

7. You can either take the link from the url for the facebook page or  If you want to direct people to that particular facebook update, click on the timestamp (as indicated in the screenshot above) and once it enlarges, copy the url for that particular status update.

8. Paste it in to the box for the source code and save.

How to pin to pinterest from facebook

And that is it – when clicked, the image will bring people to that status update in that facebook business page.  It is more labour intensive than pinning from a website but it works.  Pinning images without links will not reflect well on your Pinterest business account.

Method 2

1. As the browsers tend to differ when you right click on an image, I'm going to show you the most straightforward way. Save the facebook image to a folder on your desktop.

2. Click on the + sign on the bottom right of your Pinterest gallery page, Select 'upload a pin' and upload the image from the pictures file.

3. Select your board, add a description and 'pin it'.

4. Click on the datestamp (as shown above) if you want the link to go to that specific update in Facebook (or a website page – wherever you want the link to go). Copy the url provided.

how to pin to facebook from pinterest

5. As described above in Method One, find the pin amongst your pins, click on the pencil icon and add the link to the box for the source. click 'save changes' and that is it – apart from checking that the link is working correctly.

I do want to emphasise the importance of copyright here – if you pin an image from a facebook page and don't link back to their page, you are not crediting the source. Apart from anything else, it is good etiquette to credit the source of any image and that includes pinning from Facebook.

Have you found a different way to pin from facebook? Do share if you have.  If you would like to learn how to use Pinterest and other social media platforms more effectively, do check out our online courses at We Teach Social.

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How To Pin From Facebook To Pinterest


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