
How To Choose Camera Lens

Despite ownership cameras which have been specifically designed to take and make use of different lenses, a large number of photographers only always utilise the kit lens that their DSLR or interchangeable lens camera came with. But it's actually not that surprising, picking the right next lens tin can be daunting, which is why nosotros're going to try to help with our guide to life after the kit lens.

Lenses are arguably the most important part of your camera set up-up, they make or break your pictures. They control the image that'southward projected onto your imaging sensor, and ultimately what photos you are taking home. Every bit such, many photographers would prefer to shoot with an okay camera and a corking lens, than a bully camera with dull glass attached. But knowing the importance of adept glass is one matter, it'due south another to know what lens will give yous the creative freedom to capture the photos you want to get.

To the uninitiated, lenses are baffling tubes of glass with numbers and confusing acronyms printed on the side. Hopefully, this guide will assist you lot understand which lenses tin can be used to accomplish what, why others tin cost more than a family car … and how there are some sub $150 bargains which could change your photography forever.

Which lens should I purchase next?

A normal prime and a telephoto zoom are two of the most common lenses to be bought after a kit lens

A normal prime number and a telephoto zoom are two of the well-nigh mutual lenses to exist bought later on a kit lens

If you currently only have the kit lens your photographic camera came with, the short answer to this question is that as shortly equally you accept the cash available, you should get out and get a fast normal prime lens or a telephoto zoom. The longer and more considered reply is that you need to call up about the type of photographs y'all currently take. You need to understand how unlike lenses could ameliorate your current photos and allow you to take ones that you currently can't. If that all sounds a bit confusing, read on.

Decoding the lens jargon

The almost sentence-long collection of letters and numbers on the side of a lens barrel can tell you all sorts of things about a lens

The about sentence-long collection of messages and numbers on the side of a lens barrel can tell you all sorts of things almost a lens

The almost sentence-long collection of letters and numbers on the side of a lens butt can tell you all sorts of things nigh a lens. But the details which you should probably pay the most attending to are those which particular the focal length, maximum discontinuity, lens mount and format type.

Focal length

Focal length is expressed in mm and a higher number means a bigger zoom, while a lower number hateful the lens can be used for wider shots. As a rough reference, the man heart is said to see about the equivalent of 30-50 mm on a full frame photographic camera (more on that later). A number lower than thirty-50 mm will have in a bigger view than you naturally see, while college numbers mean focus will be on a smaller aspect of your view.

The difference between various focal lengths, taken on a full frame 35 mm-format camera

The difference between various focal lengths, taken on a full frame 35 mm-format camera

If the lens has a focal length range with two numbers (say 24-80 mm) this means it's a zoom lens and is capable of zooming and existence used at any point across that range. Even so, if there is a single focal length number (50 mm for example) it'southward a prime lens, so taking in more or less of the view volition crave you lot to get closer or farther abroad from your subject. Traditionally, primes have been considered to exist optically superior to zooms, because trade-offs have to be made when producing zoom lenses. Just that's not to say that some zooms are not better than some prime lenses.

To make agreement focal length more difficult, the same focal length lens gives different views on cameras with various sensor sizes, because of the crop cistron (the sensor but takes upwards part of the projected image). As a result, many manufactures requite a 35 mm-format equivalent on lenses designed for cameras with smaller sensors and in this commodity descriptions are based on on 35 mm-format. Therefore, if your camera has a smaller sensor, and there'south a skilful chance information technology does, you'll need to consider this when deciding which lens y'all need.

If y'all're using a full frame photographic camera in that location'southward no calculation needed, a lens will give yous the field of view you'd look from its number. If your camera has an APS-C sensor (Nikon DX DSLRs, Sony NEX…) it has a ingather factor of 1.five - pregnant you multiply the lens focal length by 1.5 to get its equivalent 35 mm-format focal length. For Canon APS-C cameras that number is 1.6, for Micro 4 Thirds cameras it'due south two.0 and for the Nikon ane serial it's

That means a 35 mm lens would give a field of view equivalent to 56 mm on an APS-C camera similar a Catechism 70D and equivalent to 70 mm on a Micro Four Thirds camera like the Olympus OM-D Eastward-M1. On a Nikon 1 information technology would act like a 95 mm lens does on a full frame camera.

Maximum Aperture

Maximum Aperture is shown in a number of ways, but whether it'southward f/2.viii F2.8 or 1:2.8, it all means the same thing and refers to the the maximum amount of light which the lens can gather. Lenses with larger maximum apertures (slightly confusingly these are the ones with lower numbers) are capable of gathering more lite.

As a F1.8 lens is able to utilize more low-cal than an F4 lens, this means it could be used in lower-light situations without having to employ a flash, and is capable of producing a shallower depth of field (the part of the image that is sharp) every bit shown below.

A larger maximum aperture means lens can gather more light, but it also produces a shallower depth of field

A larger maximum aperture means lens tin can get together more lite, simply information technology also produces a shallower depth of field

Some zoom lenses have a variable maximum aperture pregnant that information technology changes depending on focal length. And then, while a xviii-200 mm F3.5-five.half dozen lens would take a maximum aperture of F3.five at 18 mm, information technology would exist be F5.half-dozen by the fourth dimension you zoomed to 200 mm.

Lens Mount

Information technology goes without saying that y'all want to buy a lens that volition adhere on your camera, and this is known as the lens mountain. Photographic camera manufacturers more often than not make lenses with proprietry mounts which will but fit their devices, sometimes having multiple lens mounts for different camera lines. The major exception to this is Micro 4 Thirds lenses which can be used on respective Olympus and Panasonic cameras. 3rd party manufacturers too make lenses with mounts to fit diverse brands.

Information technology'due south important to know which mount your photographic camera uses before heading out to purchase a lens. Example lens mounts for DSLRs include the Nikon F-mount, Canon's EF or EF-South, the Pentax K and Sony'southward Alpha (A) mount. For mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras, these are things like the Catechism EF-M, Fujifilm XF, Nikon 1, Sony East, Samsung NX and Pentax Q. As mentioned earlier, Olympus and Panasonic Micro 4 Thirds cameras have whatever Micro Four Thirds mountain lenses.


In addition to beingness able to mount the lens on your camera, you lot need to be sure information technology will produce an epitome big enough to encompass the image sensor. Because different cameras use different size sensors, manufacturers produce specific lenses to work with them.

Because different cameras use different sized sensors, there are a variety of lens formats

Because dissimilar cameras use dissimilar sized sensors, there are a variety of lens formats

For example, while Nikon DSLRs come with full frame or APS-C sensors - and both take F-mount lenses - its DX lenses only produce an image big enough to cover the smaller of the two sensors. Meanwhile, FX lenses encompass the total frame and tin can as well exist used on DX and fifty-fifty Nikon 1 cameras (with an adapter). This is washed because lenses designed for smaller sensors tin can be physically smaller and lighter themselves.

Unlike types of lens

Lenses are generally categorized by their focal range or specific function if they're a specialist lens. Below nosotros've taken a look at a few of the almost common types of lens, thought about the characteristics their images are said to have, and considered how they can exist used.

Ultra Broad

Typical uses of ultra wide angle lenses include landscape, architecture and interior photography

Typical uses of ultra wide angle lenses include landscape, architecture and interior photography

What they are: Ultra Wide angle lenses have a focal length of effectually less than 24 mm (in 35 mm-format), this means they can have in a wider scene than is typical, though they're non only nearly getting all of a subject into a shot. Rectilinear ultra wides help keep direct lines, simply that, while fisheyes will reproduce buildings with curved walls.

Image characteristics: Because of the wide field of view, shots with ultra wide angle lenses typically feature a large depth of field. Images tend to pull in subjects that are close, and push away more than distant ones making them appear farther apart. Perspective baloney of ultra wides can give falling-building-syndrome (where vertical lines converge) merely this can be corrected in mail service-processing, or minimized with adept technique.

What they are used for: While oft seen every bit a specialist lens, ultra wide angles can be used in a number of ways. Typical uses include landscape, architecture and interior photography. Even the distortion can exist used creatively, especially when using fisheye lenses.

Wide Angle

Wide angle lenses aren't just for buildings and large groups of people

Wide bending lenses aren't just for buildings and large groups of people

What they are: Typically covering a focal length between 24 mm and 35 mm, Wide Angle lenses are bachelor as primes or zooms and come up with either variable or fixed maximum aperture. Offering a broad field of view, they oft also boast shut minimum focusing distances.

Image characteristics: Broad angle photographs can magnify the perceived altitude betwixt subjects in the foreground and groundwork. Wide angles suffer less distortion than their ultra broad counterparts, just yous notwithstanding go an exaggeration of lines and curves which can be used artistically.

What they are used for: Many people only reach for a wide angle lens when trying to go the whole of a subject in frame, whether that's a building, a large group of people or a landscape. However, while those are perfectly good uses of one, they tin also be used for interesting portraits where you desire to identify a bailiwick in a situation. Only exist careful non to distort faces unflatteringly by shooting too close.

Standard / Normal

Many photographers consider a 50 mm prime as a normal lens, as it's said to reproduce an image which feels "natural" and similar to what you see with your eyes

Many photographers consider a 50 mm prime equally a normal lens, every bit information technology's said to reproduce an paradigm which feels "natural" and similar to what you see with your eyes

What the are: The kit lens your DSLR or interchangeable lens mirrorless photographic camera came with is probably an example of a standard zoom lens, covering a focal range of around 35-70 mm. Ones with meliorate optics and faster maximum apertures are besides available. Many photographers consider a 50 mm prime number (in 35-mm-format) every bit a normal lens, every bit information technology'southward said to reproduce an epitome with a angle of view which feels "natural" and like to what you run into with your eyes - even thought this isn't technically true.

Image characteristics: Standard zoom lenses and normal primes sit down between broad angles and telephotos in terms of epitome characteristics and are much more like you see with the human eye. Normal prime number lenses tend to take faster maximum apertures which can allow for a shallow depth of field and lower light shooting.

What they are used for: As their proper noun would suggest, normal or standard lenses are versatile lenses which tin can be used for almost all sorts of photography whether street, documentary, landscape, or portrait. Because normal prime number lenses tend to feature faster maximum apertures, they allow you to shoot with a shallower depth of field and in lower calorie-free.


Telephoto zooms are good for focusing in on specific details or distant subjects

Telephoto zooms are good for focusing in on specific details or distant subjects

What they are: Telephoto lenses are those with a focal length in excess of 70 mm, though many people would contend that "true" telephoto lenses are ones which exceed 135 mm. They focus on a much narrower field of view than other lenses, which means they are expert for focusing in on specific details or afar subjects. They are mostly larger and heavier than as specified wider lenses.

Image characteristics: Because they have a narrower angle of view, telephoto lenses bring far away subjects closer. They tin also have the effect of compressing the sense of distance in a scene and making objects appear closer together. A narrow depth of field means that a field of study tin be in focus with a blurred background and foreground.

What they are used for: In improver to being used to photograph subjects yous can't (or don't desire to) become close to - similar sports or wild fauna - telephoto lenses can exist used for shooting portraits and even landscapes where their normalization of relative size can be used to requite a sense of calibration.


Superzooms are do-it-all lenses which cover focal lengths from wide to telephoto

Superzooms are do-information technology-all lenses which embrace focal lengths from wide to telephoto

What they are: Superzooms are exercise-it-all lenses which cover focal lengths from broad to telephoto. They tin can be proficient for uses in situations where you tin't or don't want to be irresolute lenses and they ordinarily change in length equally you zoom.

Paradigm characteristics: Because compromises accept had to be made producing a do-it-all lens, superzooms do not accept the same prototype quality of more dedicated lenses and oftentimes have slower and variable maximum apertures.

What they are used for: Offering a ane-lens package, superzooms come into their ain if you tin't (or don't want to) alter lenses. This could be when in situations where information technology wouldn't exist safe to switch lenses, or when travelling - y'all don't necessarily want to be weighed down by five lenses when on vacation with the family unit.


Marco lenses are technically those which are capable of reproduction ratios greater than 1:1

Marco lenses are technically those which are capable of reproduction ratios greater than 1:one

What they are: 1 of the more than specialist lenses, marco lenses are technically those which are capable of reproduction ratios greater than 1:1. However, the term is often used to refer to any lens which tin can exist used for farthermost close-upwards photography. Macro lenses typically have focal lengths somewhere between twoscore-200 mm.

Image characteristics: Macro lenses usually take fantabulous image sharpness, though it's worth noting that when working at close distances they also have a tiny depth of field. You lot tin oft end up with a shot of an insect where only a fraction of it is in focus.

What they are used for: Though unremarkably used for close-upwards photography (at which they excel), macro lenses can too be great for portraits thanks to their typical sharpness and focal lengths.

Other things to consider

Size, weight … and price

Extreme focal lengths and larger apertures mean bigger and heavier lenses, along with bigger price-tags

Extreme focal lengths and larger apertures hateful bigger and heavier lenses, forth with bigger cost-tags

With changes in focal length and maximum aperture come another set of lens changes, namely size, weight and price. Ideally we'd all be wielding a sixteen-600 mm F1.eight lens. Unfortunately, not only does physics dictate that such a lens would demand to be huge and very heavy, it would also cost a fortune to produce, if it was even possible.

Every bit such, whatever lens is going to brand compromises to fit into a package of a size and weight which suits its users. Farthermost focal lengths and larger apertures mean bigger and heavier lenses, which along with the bigger price-tags is why they are typically used by professionals who can justify purchasing them.

Paradigm stabilization, build quality and video

Image stabilization allows for use of slower shutter speeds without suffering camera shake

Image stabilization allows for utilize of slower shutter speeds without suffering camera milkshake

At that place are a number of other features which you may want retrieve about, regarding your next lens. Image stabilization allows for utilize of slower shutter speeds without suffering photographic camera shake (though some brands contain this into camera bodies rather than the lens). Stabilization is besides very handy if y'all're shooting lots of video, in which example you might also want to think about lenses with power zooms which can zoom at adaptable speeds.

Weather-sealing means you can apply your lens (bold your camera is equally weather-sealed) in extreme conditions weather condition and normally also means a college level of build quality.

Other considerations include the use of special lens elements and coatings which can improve sharpness and reduce prototype problems such as chromatic aberration. It'due south also worth thinking nearly whether you would benefit from a higher number of aperture blades which tin can give a more pleasing bokeh, and if you need lenses with internal focus motors, or indeed only manual focus.

Third party manufacturers

While the majority of photographers purchase lenses from the same firm as their photographic camera, there are a number of third party manufacturers such every bit Sigma, Tamron and Tokina which produce lenses for DSLRs and mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras. Traditionally seen as a less desirable pick, some of the newer third party lenses are as good if not better than their Canon/Nikon/Sony counterparts. They are oft also considerably cheaper.

Examples of what lens to purchase

Below are a number of typical situations that kit-lens-toting photographers often discover themselves in. For each example, we've highlighted some of the factors that should be considered when trying to find the correct lens for the task. While these are factors which are relevant whatever photographic camera and lens arrangement yous're using, in each example we've also highlighted a couple of lenses that would be a skillful choice for specific prepare-ups without blowing the budget.

I desire an all-day / travel lens

Superzooms make good travel lenses as they mean you don't have to carry all of your gear around with you

Superzooms make skilful travel lenses as they hateful you lot don't have to carry all of your gear around with you lot

When you're on holiday or traveling, you probably don't want to be lugging several lenses and cameras around with you – unless you're the most dedicated of photographers, that is. It's often the same if you're trying to savour a day with the family unit and don't want to spend all solar day irresolute lenses and moaning about your back.

As such, a good all-day or travel lens would be i that was like shooting fish in a barrel enough to carry effectually, but nevertheless offered yous the freedom to capture shots from landscapes to portraits, and zoom in on afar objects. For Micro Four Thirds shooters, that could be something like the Panasonic Lumix Yard Vario xiv-140 mm f/, or the AF-S DX NIKKOR xviii-200 mm f/three.5-five.6G ED VR Ii if a DX Nikon is your DSLR or choice.

I want to do street photography

Any lens can be used for street photography, but a focal range of around 35-50 mm is often favored

Any lens can exist used for street photography, just a focal range of around 35-l mm is often favored

Street photography can be washed with almost any lens, though a 300 mm F2.8 might enhance a few eyebrows from your subjects. Nevertheless, a focal range of around 35-50 mm is often seen as the platonic for capturing the moment in urban areas.

Unless you want all of your subjects looking straight at the camera, you lot'd probably be all-time served by something detached. It'due south likewise important that street photography lenses feature a fast maximum aperture for lower-light situations. This means that something similar the Fuji XF 23 mm f1.4 R Lens would exist a nifty selection. The Sigma 35 mm F1.iv DG HSM has also been very well received by many DSLR street shooters.

I struggle to photo my kids running around in the garden

You might need more focal length reach and a larger maximum aperture to keep up with the kids

You might need more than focal length reach and a larger maximum aperture to proceed upwards with the kids

Many people vanquish out for a DSLR or mirrorless interchangeable lens photographic camera when they have a child, but past the time that child starts running around, the kit lens struggles to keep up, both in terms of aperture and focal range. This is especially true if you're trying to photograph the kids running around in the garden or on the sports field.

This ways you lot demand something with a bit more reach, but probably without the bulk and weight that a professional lens would bring. A zoom lens will allow you to continue your shots framed as you want while your subject moves around in front of you. And so, if you experience you but need some added attain, the EF-South 55-250 mm f/iv-v.6 IS II could become you closer to the action. Simply if you want a bit more speed (and to be the best equipped parent at the game), in that location's the Canon EF 70-200 mm f/4L USM.

I want to accept landscape photographs

You'll only be able to capture some landscapes if you have got an ultra wide angle lens which can take it all in

You'll only be able to capture some landscapes if y'all have got an ultra wide angle lens which tin take it all in

While the kit lenses which come with about cameras are surprisingly good at the wide angle end, you lot could detect that they don't quite get in enough for some of the mural images you endeavor to take. So, unless you're able to keep moving backwards, yous're going to demand a new lens.

Focal length is key hither, and you'll only go some landscapes if you've got an ultra wide angle lens. Yous could become for either a prime or a zoom, simply almost people in this state of affairs are probably going to be best-served by a zoom. A lens similar the AF-South DX NIKKOR 10-24 mm f/3.5-4.5G ED could be adept for APS-C Nikon shooters, while the Olympus 9-xviii mm f/4-v.half-dozen ZUIKO would do the job on Micro Four Thirds cameras.

I want a lens which will make me improve as a photographer

A 50 mm F1.8 can allow you to take images that you might not be able to capture with a kit lens

A l mm F1.eight can allow you to take images that you might non be able to capture with a kit lens

After a while yous might find that you've simply outgrown your kit lens. Y'all suddenly find that it's stifling your creative ambitions and preventing you from taking the photos that yous desire, fifty-fifty if they are within its focal length achieve.

This is the ideal time to get yourself a fast prime lens, and the good news is that you don't have to spend a fortune to do it. Getting something like a Nikon AF-Southward DX NIKKOR 35 mm f/ane.8G or the Sony Due east l mm f/i.eight OSS will hateful you can play around with shallower depths of field, and shoot naturally in weather that would have otherwise required a wink. Because they are primes, information technology as well ways yous need to zoom with your feet, which will in turn probably hateful y'all spend more than fourth dimension thinking about how you compose shots. Never a bad thing.


As nosotros've seen, different lenses can give photographers the creative freedom to take all sorts of images. It'south no understatement to say they are as of import, if not more so, than the camera you lot're using. This is why it'due south such a shame to run into photographers purchase cameras with the power to change lenses and and then never practise and then.

It's worth remembering that lenses can oft last longer than your camera, considering they volition go on to work on the adjacent generation of cameras, and the one after that, probably. This is why many photographers are willing to spend more on an individual lens than their camera.

However, buying new lenses doesn't have to mean spending a fortune. We've seen how relatively inexpensive primes similar the nifty-fifty (50 mm F1.viii) can change your photography forever. There are also thousands of 2nd-hand lenses which volition work simply too as new ones out there – especially for DSLR shooters, where you tin can frequently use a twenty-year-old lens. You never know, your begetter might fifty-fifty take some lying around in the attic.

Hopefully this article hasn't fabricated you lot experience compelled to buy more and more than lenses, as that really wasn't the aim. If you lot're not sure if yous need a new lens, you probably don't. Instead, we hope this has helped you understand what to expect for when yous feel that your current lenses are preventing you from being the photographer you desire to be.


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