
How Come My Snap Polaroid Camera Doesnt Turn Off

This is what happened when one of my oldest Polaroid cameras died right in the middle of pushing a picture out.

This is what happened when ane of my oldest Polaroid cameras died right in the middle of pushing a picture out.

Update September 2021: Got a broken photographic camera that tin't exist fixed past the tips below? Check out Retrospekt's repair services. I haven't used them myself, but they seem like a great visitor.

Updated April 2020

Troubleshooting vintage Polaroid cameras is often a rather expensive proposition, and it tin can be especially frustrating when a photographic camera has mysteriously died correct in the heart of shoot. Likewise, considering Polaroid cameras don't have batteries, many people don't know if the camera they but found works or non. How do you make sure the camera is functional? Is it the picture causing trouble, or the camera itself? How the heck do y'all even test it?

Unfortunately, shooting with vintage Polaroid cameras ways working with gear that is decades one-time, and any slice of technology with that many years on it is going to be decumbent to causing trouble. I've spent many, many hours trying to figure out why a camera isn't spitting out an image, firing off endless ruined shots in the procedure.

In order to hopefully make your troubleshooting process easier, here are a few pointers and the step-by-step process I utilise to effigy out what'south wrong. Hopefully this volition aid you discover the trouble apace and with a minimal amount of ruined film.

Earlier we jump in, if you just got your hands on a Polaroid camera, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything when you printing buttons, never fear! Vintage Polaroid SX-70, 600, and Spectra cameras exercise not comprise batteries in the photographic camera itself. Rather, the film cartridge has a teeny tiny battery that is simply powerful enough to go through up to ten pictures. If you lot notice an one-time Polaroid camera, most likely the camera will either have an ancient cartridge with a dead bombardment, or no film cartridge at all. I go information technology into this in more detail beneath, only the only way to test a Polaroid camera to come across if it works is to purchase a new pack of film.

Newer cameras behave better, like this late-model 600 type camera. Like most later models, its design features more curves than older cameras.

Newer cameras behave improve, similar this tardily-model 600 type camera. After models tend to have a bit more than curves.

First, Some Tips and Important Information

Regardless of your specific trouble, here are some things you can do to foreclose problems from arising in the kickoff place and how to deal with the ones that will inevitably occur.

Utilize 600 instead of SX-70 or Spectra When Possible

I know, I know, the rainbow stripe SX-70 camera looks crawly. And the SX-seventy SLRs are some of the best cameras in the movie globe. But using SX-seventy film is setting yourself upwards for a potential earth of hurting. Generally, all SX-70 cameras are older than 600 and 1200/Spectra/Image cameras, and that much more prone to breaking. Second, SX-70 film has a very low ISO/ASA rating, which ways it either needs an extremely powerful flash (not built into these cameras, y'all'll have to get ane separately) or shoot in bright daylight. Indoor lights, normal studio lights, or even cloudy days aren't going to cutting it.

Polaroid has stopped making new film for Spectra/Image cameras. Unfortunately, over the past few years they were increasingly prone to failure (I had six Spectra cameras all mysteriously die effectually the same time), so Polaroid threw in the towel.

If you have a camera already and are wondering how to tell what kind of motion-picture show it uses, I have a guide for that here.

Newer Cameras Are Better than Old Ones

This goes with what I mentioned higher up. If you're trying to choice betwixt two cameras that are very similar models, just go for the newer trunk. With a bit of quick Googling (or fifty-fifty just inspecting the design) you can tell which camera is newer. I'm non proverb all older cameras are going to break, or that new ones aren't, but it's always helpful to stack the odds in your favor.

Polaroid Originals even makes new Polaroid cameras these days if you really want to skip the hassle and heartache of vintage camera equipment. The OneStep2 and OneStep+ are great, and yous know you'll be getting a camera that works.

The film cartridge (shown here empty) has a tiny battery in it that powers the camera.

The moving-picture show cartridge (shown here empty) has a tiny battery in it that powers the camera.

E'er Use New Polaroid Moving-picture show

The vast majority of problems with Polaroid cameras actually have more to do with the motion-picture show rather than the camera. Every bit I mentioned in a higher place, Polaroid cameras are powered past their battery packs, and then without a fresh, new pack of picture show it won't even plough on. Yous might notice an old Polaroid camera with an aboriginal pack of film stuck within of it with a battery that's long dead. Now that we're over a decade past Polaroid selling off its last stock of film, all genuine Polaroid film is long expired. (Don't worry, the film is notwithstanding proficient, but non for troubleshooting purposes here).

Modern-day Polaroid (which upward until recently was called 'Polaroid Originals,' and before that, the 'Impossible Project') makes new film for Polaroid cameras with packs that have fresh batteries. You can find Polaroid Originals film on Amazon every bit well every bit on their ain website.

If you buy the film from somewhere else, check to make sure the flick hasn't expired, equally older Polaroid Originals/Impossible Project film tin take its ain set of problems. Experience gratuitous to yet apply expired motion-picture show in your projects, merely if you're trying to figure out if a photographic camera works or not, ownership the correct, newest version of the film is an absolute must. It's non cheap, but there's null about instant film that is.

Expired film is awesome to shoot with, but not good for troubleshooting purposes.

Expired film is crawly to shoot with, only not good for troubleshooting purposes.

Utilise Multiple Cameras on Important Shoots

If you're using Polaroid cameras on a shoot, it'south important to always have at least one backup. I've been halfway through a set when a camera starts acting up, and rather than losing more photos and fourth dimension trying to gear up it, I just hop right to the next camera and save the troubleshooting for later. Used Polaroid cameras tin exist quite affordable, sometimes even cheaper than the film it uses, so there'south no reason to non have a backup. You may have an expensive SLR or refurbished as your main camera, just there's no reason not to have a cheapie as a backup. Just make certain your backup uses the same moving picture every bit your chief camera.

Personally, I use a Polaroid SLR 680 with an Impulse AF serving equally backup. If I'm going somewhere actually rough, I bring out the OneStep+ with a Polaroid OneStep Closeup doing backup duty.

If a Camera is Broken, Let it Get

This is a hard one, merely an important one. If y'all accept a plastic SX-70 photographic camera that'south not working, and it's constantly ruining picture show and shorting out packs, information technology'south best to simply move on. For the vast majority of Polaroid cameras out in that location, it'south cheaper to buy a replacement rather than effort to repair it.

Pretty much the only cameras worth it are the swell SLR type Polaroids. Unfortunately, SLR type Polaroids likewise dearest to break due to their complex pattern. (Update January 2018: I've heard some good things near Second Shot SX-70 Repair, but haven't used them yet myself. If you take a folding SLR photographic camera, this is a potential mode to become your camera repaired.)

Rather than get attached to whatever specific 1 photographic camera, have a small fleet of them ready to go. Yous don't want to lose a moment because a camera is acting up and you don't have a backup.

Several times I thought my Impulse AF was broken, but it turned out to just be the film misbehaving and some dirt.

Several times I thought my Impulse AF was broken, simply after running it through my troubleshooting procedure I figured out it was a bad batch of film to blame.

The Troubleshooting Process

Now, with those tips in mind, let's walk through the troubleshooting process and see if we can isolate whatever may exist wrong with a misbehaving camera.

Like any troubleshooting process, the goal here is to isolate the problem. That means getting rid of variables and checking off a list. This guide won't necessarily solve your problem, but information technology'southward extremely helpful to know what you lot're up against and if you need to surrender on a camera. Besides, once you lot know your photographic camera is not at fault, it is easier to troubleshoot problems with the film itself.

Polaroid cameras are usually all or nothing, meaning they either work perfectly or not at all. In that location are rare cases otherwise, simply every bit we'll see throughout the troubleshooting process, most oftentimes the problem can be traced to the moving picture itself if the camera makes it by the outset few checks.

Step 1: Insert a New Pack of Film – Does it Spit Out the Night Slide?

This is the most important test, the one that tells you the most, and it besides happens to be the easiest.

In order for this test to work through, yous absolutely MUST use make new Polaroid film. Don't utilise old or expired Polaroid Originals or Impossible Project movie.

[Note: back when Polaroid was called the Impossible Project, I used to say you could just use film purchased direct from their site for troubleshooting. However, Polaroid Originals has a much more than robust distribution network, so you're totally fine buying from other stores like Amazon. Only e'er make sure you lot're using a new pack that isn't expired. The appointment will be on the package.]

Got your new pack of motion picture? Groovy! Now take the old cartridge out and put in the new pack of picture show. (If you don't know what I'grand talking virtually, you lot tin take hold of upwards with the terminology on my guide to using Polaroid cameras. Don't worry, I'll look here.) When you lot shut the photographic camera, it should immediately spit out the nighttime slide, which is a little flick-sized piece of cardboard that protects the pack from light.

If you lot put in the fresh pack of picture show and goose egg happens, the photographic camera is almost certainly expressionless. This is why it is critical to use a new pack of picture show instead of ane that might take a dead battery. If you use bad moving picture, you might have a perfectly proficient camera that simply isn't getting power from the cartridge.

If the camera spits out the dark slide, we know that it'due south functional. There might exist other issues, but now nosotros know that the electrical components are doing their affair, and the ejection module is besides working on likewise.

If no nighttime slide has been ejected, you lot can attempt another pack of picture show to see if it works. In this case, I often pull out a pack I know worked in another camera to see if information technology works in the troubled photographic camera. If it doesn't, you have a expressionless camera. Distressing, without repairs of some sort, information technology'southward not going to piece of work.

If the camera is spitting out the dark slide, but you still take problems, allow's continue moving on to next step.

An example of the type of photo setup that works well for a test. Subject lit with a flash and normal overhead lights in a temperate environment using a fresh pack of film.

An example of the blazon of photo setup that works well for a test. Subject lit with a flash and normal overhead lights in a temperate surround using a fresh pack of moving-picture show.

Step 2: Take a Picture in Optimal Atmospheric condition – Inspect for Errors

If the dark slide has popped out, now we know the camera is at least semi-functional. Now, let's encounter how it takes pictures properly.

To remove as many variables equally possible, let'south remove all the elements that cause Polaroid cameras and instant moving picture to betrayal improperly. This means we demand ideal light and temperature conditions. Yeah, air temperature actually matters.

Remember, I'yard operating on the assumption that you lot're using make new Polaroid Originals film. Otherwise, there are a chiliad bug that one-time picture can bring to the table and make this an do in futility.

Kickoff, make certain the flash is on. For most cheap 600-blazon cameras, the flash is always on, so you're good. Some SLRs and Spectra/Prototype/1200 cameras give you the option to turn it off or on, so just flip the switch to on. For SX-70 cameras, you're going to need a flashbar. Old flashbars had 10 single-use bulbs, just there are newer reusable ones that work groovy.

It's of import to accept the flash on because the camera won't struggle with exposure if it has a guaranteed light source. That gets us to the side by side affair: temperature. It has a huge consequence on the film chemistry, and I've had SX-70 cameras that inexplicably refuse to work in temperatures cooler than l degrees Fahrenheit. So shoot within, where (hopefully) your home is somewhere around 70 degrees.

Take a photograph of an object or person in a well-lit room approximately 6 feet away with the flash on. Make sure your exposure compensation is dead center. It's not going to be an heady photograph; we're just trying to make sure this thing works.

Later on taking the picture, the photograph should popular out the same slot the nighttime slide came from. Plain, if no moving-picture show comes out, nosotros accept a problem. It'south not uncommon for a camera to exist able to spit out a night slide, so fail to actually process a picture. If this happens with two different packs of good moving-picture show, most likely there is something wrong with the exposure mechanism and the camera is toast.

Another thing that can happen is that the gears to eject the picture grind on incessantly, only no picture comes out. This has happened with a few of my SX-70 cameras, and at that place's no way to stop it other than yanking out the film pack to kill the battery. This is typically a fatal mechanical problem, merely I've heard of crafty people repairing folding SLRs with this problem by taking them apart.

If a photograph popped out similar it is supposed to, now we can wait for it to develop to encounter what we got. Ideally, in ten minutes to an hour you lot should accept a wearisome, harsh-simply-well-exposed shot of a plant or something.

If the motion picture didn't come out, let'southward double check a few things. If the picture is completely diddled out make sure that the exposure switch wasn't set anywhere other than the center, and make sure that if you're using an SX-70 camera that y'all're not using 600 blazon film.

If the picture is too dark, brand sure that the wink is on and uncovered, and that the object you're taking a moving picture of is shut enough for the wink to reach it. Besides, if you're using an 600 type photographic camera, brand sure you aren't accidentally using SX-70 moving picture.

If after checking those things and taking a few more than pictures with the same results, it might mean that something is wrong with the exposure detection of the camera if pictures are continuously blown out or dark. However, this is fairly rare, which means that if under other conditions (outside, without flash, in cold weather, etc) you're getting blown out or underexposed images it doesn't necessarily mean the photographic camera is broken. That'southward why it is important to do this all in a controlled setup. If this setup gives you a well exposed prototype, but when you go outdoors information technology's diddled out, nosotros're probably looking at a trouble with how the film is existence shot rather than the camera itself.

If you've taken a motion picture and it looks fine, congratulations! Your photographic camera works. Withal, if yous're still having problems elsewhere, now nosotros can shift our troubleshooting to the motion-picture show itself, which is where virtually of my problems typically occur.

Even perfectly good cameras can spit out images like this if the film has issues.

Even perfectly good cameras can spit out images like this if the film has issues.

Troubleshooting Moving-picture show Packs

I ever put my master cameras through the higher up troubleshooting steps to brand sure they work. That style, when I'chiliad playing with expired Incommunicable film or quondam vintage Polaroid film I know the camera is never going to be at fault when something does become wrong. Frequently I shoot with erstwhile pic precisely because I love the 'defects' that go along with it.

If you lot have a flick pack that isn't working in a camera you know works fine, it might exist a expressionless battery. You can still save the film with a cartridge transfer.

Skillful luck with your camera! If y'all do end up needing a new one, why not check out my guide to buying Polaroid cameras for a few suggestions?

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